Factual Entertainment

The Dinosaur Factory


This series follows the exploits of “Dino Don” Lessem and his international team of robotic dinosaur-builders and installers as they create life-sized, moving prehistoric monsters for zoos, parks and exhibition spaces all over the world.

This is a build show, like no other, that is completely underpinned by science and mystery. But it still has all the inherent processes, characters and drama of a great build series like Monster Garage.

Each episode follows a bold plan and real-life challenge to create a spectacular themed exhibit for a single major museum or zoo. “The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park”, “Monsters in The Water”, “Frightening Flyers” or “The Biggest Dang Dinosaur”— all are robotic displays that feature exciting themes with amazing creatures.

With each episode come new triumphs, battles and disasters. The team catch a collapsing giant in a pond. Twenty painters labor frantically through the night to get their animals on the last boat out of China. Dino Don mediates angry disputes over the right look for dinosaurs. Excavators search distant deserts for fossil clues to a new look for old favorites. And always he and his team argue—with stubborn scientists, stuffy zoo executives, arrogant translators, and of course, each other.


Programme Details

8 x 60'
In Development
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