History / People and Culture

The Real Mary

History / People and Culture

The Real Mary

Narrated by award-winning actor, Morgan Freeman.

The world knows Mary the blessed virgin mother of Jesus. Now, we reveal a radical new picture: The Real Mary.

Based on the highly anticipated book “The Lost Mary", from author Dr. James Tabor, this history investigative project Drama-documentary portrays the revolutionary findings and concepts put forth in Tabor's book, re-writing the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus and considered by many the most powerful woman who ever lived.

•  A Jewish girl, pregnant out of wedlock at 14
•  A revolutionary firebrand who lived under Roman occupation
•  A dominant figure in the early Christian movement both before and after Jesus' death
•  A true "Godmother" - the power behind the throne
•  The mother of at least seven children
•  Saw two of her sons crucified and another stoned to death on Roman orders

Far from being a serene and heavenly demi-goddess, Mary was an incredible individual who not only lived during a momentous age, but also had a direct hand in shaping it.


Programme Details

3 x 60'
In Development
Contact us for more information.