Movie / Mystery

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Time To Start Livin'


The postal detectives unravel clues that reveal a boy’s life is in danger and also manage to change the life of a forgotten war hero.

Oliver leads the postal detective team in investigating a letter from a ten-year-old boy alerting his grandmother he’s running away after they’ve been mysteriously separated.  Meanwhile, the rest of the Dead Letter Office team, Shane, Rita and Norman, are preparing for the arrival of a new supervisor, the larger-than-life Theresa Capodiamonte, who challenges them to take greater risks to deliver the seemingly undeliverable letters and packages. With Theresa’s support, they unravel clues that reveal the boy’s life is in danger, and they go the extra mile to find the intended recipient of his letter. Back at the office, Theresa prepares to take a risk of her own, as she realizes she has a lifelong dream she’s never pursued and takes her first dance steps in that direction. 

After Oliver, Shane, Rita and Norman retrieve a mangled letter addressed “To Whom It May Concern,” their investigation hits a road block with an old postmark and a government form for the U.S. Army Office.  The accompanying letter from a young woman describes her search for a soldier who saved her life and helped her escape Afghanistan during the war. When they discover the Army officer has gone off the grid, Supervisor Theresa Capodiamonte challenges them to find the intended recipient, even if he doesn’t want to be found. Their search leads them to discover a war hero who came home to less than a hero’s welcome, and became homeless. Ultimately, the team’s attempt to deliver the Afghani girl’s letter to him changes his life and, at the same time, Theresa’s pursuit of her life’s purpose inspires theirs.

Cast: Eric Mabiu (Ugly Betty, The L Word), Kristin Booth (The Kennedys)


Programme Details

1 x 90'