A Murder of Crows is a visually stunning nature documentary that offers a rare and intimate glimpse into the inner life of one of the most intelligent, playful and mischievous creatures on the planet – the common crow.

A Murder of Crows is an exciting new program about scientific exploration with a compelling twist. It is also a film that explores a unique pairing of science and cinema as world-renowned scientist and crow expert Professor John Marzluff joins forces with our award-winning camera team to explore the secret world of crows and gain new insights and understanding into this haunting and elusive species.

The average crow knows a tremendous amount about us from our eating habits to our traffic patterns but the average human knows relatively little about the intimate life of crows.  And there is so much worth knowing.

Join us on an amazing journey as we meet crow experts from around the world to expand our knowledge of these pint sized beasts by taking our arsenal of cameras to places the camera has never been before  – high up into the treetops to visit a crow’s nest overflowing with welcoming young blackbirds with blood red beaks, deep inside a boisterous roost site jam packed with birds jockeying for position and way out on a limb as a young female crow prepares to launch herself on her maiden flight.

Be awe struck as we gain a whole new view of these places through innovative camera technology that includes: tiny HD cameras imbedded in the crow’s nest and surrounding branches, ladderpods that set our cameramen 26 feet up in the air to capture the birds in glorious slow motion flight and offer a bird’s eye view of the world we share.


Programme Details

1 x 60'