Arts and Performance / History

St. Peter's and The Papal Basilicas of Rome


Embark on a voyage of discovery through the four Papal basilicas of Rome and their treasures: St Peter's, St John Lateran, St Paul Outside the Walls and St Mary Major.

During the 90 minutes of St. Peter and the Papal Basilicas of Rome 3D, four experts will discuss the basilicas and the works of art contained in them: Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, will guide us through St Peter’s, Paolo Portoghesi, internationally renowned architect, will present a passionate in-depth analysis of St John in the Lateran; Claudio Strinati, famous art historian, will reveal the history and the legends of St Mary Major; Micol Forti, director of the Vatican Museums Collection of Contemporary Art, will present St. Paul Outside the Walls to viewers.

From exclusive places inside the Vatican (the octagonal rooms of St Peter’s Sacristy and Treasury, the Sistine Hall in the Vatican Apostolic Library and the Ducale Hall in the Apostolic Palace), these experts will give original and compelling descriptions and their own individual perspective on the basilicas: their evolution over the centuries, their most famous works of art, the lives and stories of Popes and artists – from Giotto to Bramante, from Michelangelo to Francesco Borromini, from Bernini to Domenico Fontana, from Arnolfo di Cambio to Jacopo Torriti – the events that made these places immortal and the profound spirituality emanating from them.


Programme Details

2 x 45' or 1 x 90'
Theatrical Release
Sky Arts
4K / HD