Teaser Reel

The UK has developed a big problem - oddness has recently spiraled out of control.

If you look at a bar chart of international oddness, the UK’s bar currently goes off the charts. In fact, the local station is so overwhelmed with odd problems they need help...now. Not to worry, brand new agents Orli and Ozzie are on the case, their job is to solve the toughest and oddest cases now wreaking havoc across the land, sea, and sky (and even that hard to reach area behind the couch cushions). Luckily, they have lots of help from their nautically obsessed boss, Captain O, quirky scientist Agent Onom and deadpan security officer, Agent Orwell.

Get ready for crazy creatures, vile villains and gadgets galore in this all new series, Odd Squad UK.


Programme Details

12 x 22'
cbbc pbs kids tvo kids