Natural History and Wildlife

Lions of the Lakeshore

Natural History and Wildlife

Lions of the Lakeshore

On the shores of Zimbabwe’s Lake Kariba, three young lions must convince an imposing alpha female to let them rule. In a battle of wits, the lions employ a variety of tactics to achieve their goal.

In the heart of the Zambezi Valley lies the mighty Lake Kariba. A myriad of wild animals live in these pristine waters and along the shoreline, all competing for food and survival. The fight for dominance among the predators is fierce and as filled with politics as their human counterparts. Especially when it comes to kingship.

Along the rugged shores, the resident lion pride is ruled with an iron fist by the alpha female, Nobule. She has enjoyed many years of dominance but her reign may be finally coming to an end. It all depends on how the three young males handle the takeover they have planned. Takunda, Gombwe and Zindoga are coming into their prime and Nobule’s pride is firmly in their sights. After months of scheming, it is now time to act.

Nobule has to play her hand carefully. She has sacrificed a lot to be the alpha female. Her past is filled with drama, tension and in some cases, fights that have cost her dearly. She bears the scars of a life filled with conflict and the lives of her cubs and her pride are not negotiable.

The three males have two choices, either form strong bonds with the queen or simply take her out. As they navigate this journey to kingship they will face more than just the wrath of Nobule. Voracious crocodiles and hippos litter the shorelines of the lake and they answer to no one. Carelessness at the water’s edge can quickly lead to serious injury or even death and the crocodiles are expert ambush hunters. Herds of elephants also abound here, never hesitating to charge the young lions if their calves are threatened.

It will take all their strength and courage for Takunda, Gombwe and Zindoga to navigate these dangers and become the true pride males and rulers they were born to be. Only the strongest will survive in this harsh ecosystem, built on the failures of the weak and the triumph of the strong.

Will the pride survive the takeover? Will all three males eventually reign, or will the Lake Kariba wilderness claim victims of its own?


Programme Details

1 x 60'
National Geographic Wild